Choosing The Right Insoles

running insoles

Choosing the best arch support insoles for shoes or boots depends on your foot type and what you need them for. Here we explain the wet foot test and how to determine whether you overpronate, supinate or have a neutral foot type.


Which is the best insole for me?

If you suffer with a recurring injury, particularly in the legs then a sports insole may help. However, it is important to determine what foot type you have or you could make things worse. A Podiatrist or Physio may perform gait analysis and other tests to determin what your foot type is. However, there is a quick and simple method which might give you an idea.

Wet foot test

The wet foot test gives you an idea of what foot type you have. All you do is stand on a piece of paper with wet feet and examine your footprint.

Arch support insoles


If you overpronate this means your foot rolls in too much as you walk or run. Overpronators have flat feet therefore they need arch support insoles or orthotic insoles which prevent your foot rolling in.

Your risk of injury increases because as your foot flattens, your lower leg rotates in. This causes more stress on your lower leg and eventually overuse injuries.

Running socks

Arch Support Insoles (UK) (USA)

Arch support insoles work best by controlling the position of your heel as opposed to propping up your arch. As a result, the rest of your foot works more efficiently, encouraging correct foot biomechanics.

foot biomechanics

TheUltimate Performance Advanced FD3 Support Insoleis designed specifically for overpronators. When you wear this insole in your shoes or boots it controls the position of your heel and supports the arch of your foot.

Neutral feet

If you are a runner or walker with a neutral foot or only mildly overpronate then the best insole for you is theUltimate Performance Advanced F3D Neutral insole. It provides mild to moderate support with 3mm cushioning. Ideal for reducing your risk of injury long term.


If you are a runner or walker who supinates then you most likely have high arched feet. High arched feet are often rigid and inflexible which increases your risk of injury. The priority for you is a neutral or low support insole with plenty of cushioning.

TheAdvanced F3D Cushion Insoleis perfect for supinators. Wear in your normal running shoes or walking boots for that extra cushioning and comfort.

When should I wear my insoles?

Many people buy sports or arch support insoles to replace the standard insole in their sports shoes. This is great but wear them as much as possible in your day to day shoes as well.

For example, if you go to work in flat soled smart shoes then you could be on your feet for many hours. It is just as important to protect your feet during the eight hours you are walking as it is the half an hour or so that you run.

Therefore, why not treat yourself to two pairs? Then you won’t have to keep swapping them in and out.

Should I remove my existing insole?

Yes! If your running or work shoes have an insole built in already (and they all will) then you should remove this before inserting yourF3D Insoles. Orthotic type insoles which control the position of your foot work best on a flat base.

If they are worn on top of an existing insole then not only does the insole move slightly but raising your foot up could make it unstable. As a result, you are more at risk of ankle sprains.

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